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Sculpture (Professional)


The professional class allows you to have 24 class hours that you can split to fit your preferences. Classes can take place during any day ACV is open. Contact Mikhail by email or by SMS to select dates that work best for you. If you miss a class, one week (3 days on which AVC is open) is given to reschedule and attend. Sculpture is one of the oldest mediums and has 3-dimensional, physical qualities which makes separates it from drawing and painting. Learning sculpture is very beneficial. Through the process of recreating an image that we already have in our imagination in 3-dimensional form, we connect with not just the intellectual but also the physical aspect of our being. Learning sculpture not only benefits hobbyists, but also any professional working with art, such as VFX artists working with digital 3D modeling. Studying sculpture at ACV will help you develop: - Strong 3-dimensional vision and skill to apply it - Strong human and animal anatomical skills - Proportion skills - Ability to sculpt the human body and sculptural portraits - Freestyle composition - Multifigure composition (ex: sculpting a human and animal in one art piece) - Texturing skills All materials are provided.



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Tel: 604-729-3067

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